DEVIL’S BEND (feature screenplay)

logline: An anxiety-prone actress leaves LA for the summer to relax at a remote mountain property only to discover it's near a notorious gold rush mining camp with a savage history.

genre: horror

subgenre: thriller/supernatural

status: early development, seeking producer

awards: ScreenCraft Horror Competition Quarterfinalist 2023, Filmmatic Pitch Competition Semifinalist 2023,Final Draft Fellowship winner at Stowe Story Labs 2022, Slamdance Quarterfinalist 2022, Coverfly Red List September 2022

thoughts: Devil’s Bend is an unsettling, atmospheric screenplay that will keep you guessing and on your toes. It can be made for a modest budget: primarily set in one location, primarily a two-hander with just a handful of additional characters. Repulsion meets The Shining meets Gaslight. Two indelible roles for the right actors.

read the screenplay: here

explore the pitchdeck: here

questions? contact me: here


image: courtesy of Ellie Davis