logline: A man wakes up in the woods, bloodied and amnesiac, and encounters various individuals who help him.
runtime: 22 minutes
screenplay: here | format: shot on super 16 |
budget: funded by a project grant from the Regional Arts + Culture Council
thoughts: A short film noir shot on Super 16 mm. I read Red Harvest on vacation, which I’d grabbed randomly, and after a few pages I was compelled by the language and scenarios and I knew my next short would have to be a b & w noir, shot on film, though I didn’t know what it would be exactly. We shot across 4 days. I appear in one scene because an actor dropped out late and I knew the script . It was not an ideal situation because I am not a fan of appearing on screen but I had no alternative. I learned a ton on this project, including but not limited to: the importance of having a production designer, of testing a crane shot to see how it looks before you commit, of having a script supervisor, of having money and so forth. This short was a test run of sorts to make my feature The Black Sea, helping me adjust to shooting on Super 16 and all the technical considerations therein.